What Is the MARAD Waiver, and How Can You Qualify for It

The MARAD Waiver program of the Maritime Administration is a critical tool for American shipowners and operators, allowing them the operational flexibility and assistance they need to make necessary adjustments to their operations. It is important for shippers who are worried about the effect of this waiver program on the piers they use to keep…

What is a USCG Documented Vessel? Find the Answer Here!

“What is a USCG-documented vessel?” is a question that we always get here at the Maritime Documentation Center. A boat that has been registered with the United States Coast Guard is referred to as a USCG documented vessel. According to state.gov, a Certificate of Documentation will be issued to a vessel when the owner files…

What Does Coast Guard Documented Vessel Mean in 2022?

As a vessel owner in the United States Coast Guard, you may be wondering, “what does coast guard documented vessel mean in 2022?”. When you have Coast Guard papers, you may prove to the public that your boat has been registered with the United States Coast Guard and meets specific requirements. Vessels with this certification…

Efficient USCG Vessel Lookup on Our Website

Did you know that the MDC provides quick lookups of USCG vessels that may be done online? Our objective is to provide information that assists boat owners in complying with maritime legislation more readily available to them. The Marine Department of Conservation (MDC) offers a convenient online USCG vessel lookup that will inform you of…