Guide to Vessel Documentation Change of Address

Did you know that you must apply for a vessel documentation change of address whenever you move? If not, you’re likely in for a surprise the next time you try using your boat. Instead, ensure to pick it up as soon as possible (you may miss your deadline). Ask anyone who might be sending you mail at your old address, such as banks, insurance companies, and credit card providers, to either change your address directly or send their statements electronically instead, so that you can avoid delays like these. Changing your address directly will allow you to avoid any potential confusion that might arise. It is conceivable that your bank would compensate you for any damages incurred due to mail being sent to an outdated address; nonetheless, it is best not to take any risks with this matter.

Review Your Current Documentation for Accuracy

This time of year, many of us focus on leaving the past behind and welcoming the future with open arms. You may be planning your taxes, anticipating your next trip, or searching for a new job. There is, however, something you must do immediately to guarantee your readiness for the following round. Your current address must be included in all ship records. If you own a yacht, you know that all correspondence about it is sent directly to your home address, so you never have to worry about a third party snatching away a crucial bill. 

So, what if you decide to relocate? Even while the Postal Service may now do a vessel documentation change of address in their system with a few keystrokes thanks to modern technology, they still need your aid to ensure that they get information from other organizations and businesses, such as title firms, lenders, and insurance providers. Verify that your name, contact details, and ship’s description are all accurate.

Notify The US Coast Guard of Your Vessel Documentation Change of Address

Notifying the United States Coast Guard (USCG) of your new location should be a top priority as soon as you become aware that you will be relocating, regardless of whether you are a private boater or the owner of a commercial boat. Notifying the USCG of your vessel documentation change of address is required by law. The United States Coast Guard has a system that allows you to update your information using After you make the change, the USCG will immediately send a letter to all of your government contacts, informing them of the change and including the United States Secret Service and the Environmental Protection Agency in the distribution list. Other boaters in the region won’t have to phone each marina in the area until they find someone who knows how to get in touch since it will be simple for them to locate your updated contact information.

Contact Your State’s Marine Resources Commission

Get a vessel documentation change of address form from the Marine Resources Commission in your state. Remember to fill out this form to let them know you’ve moved and provide your new address. You must do this in person and hand it out with proper identification (as a driver’s license). In the example, you would need to produce updated copies of the insurance and title documents and a copy of the vessel registration. There will be a new form for you to fill out about your boat’s new address when you visit the office. 

If you don’t, they may mistakenly assume that your boat has been lost or abandoned. Taking your boat outside the country requires appropriate paperwork and registration with the Coast Guard. After leaving our state, you may accomplish this in minutes. The Coast Guard will require that you register yourself and your boat with them and present evidence of insurance for both you and your boat.

Update Your Boating Registration with Your New State’s Agency

If you relocate to a different state, you must register your boat with the department in charge of navigation channels and the marine industry there. It may be difficult for loved ones to send you letters or goods otherwise. If you move to a new state and fail to notify the appropriate government of your new address, you may face legal consequences, including possible penalties. Also, if anything occurs and you have to sell your yacht, it will be more challenging to find a buyer. 

Most states have deadlines for updating registration, and missing one might result in the agency considering your boat to be abandoned if you don’t do it in time. Make a phone call or make an in-person trip to the DMV office in the state where you obtained your boating registration card or license to change your address. You’ll need to provide evidence of ownership (a bill of sale or vessel title). Or just contact the Maritime Documentation Center to be assisted in all of the necessary paperwork.  

Vessel Documentation Change of Address

Transfer Ownership of the Boat If Necessary

If required, transfer ownership of the boat; you will be asked to do so for the boat to be registered in the state from where you want to operate it. Because getting the process of transferring your title wrong might end up costing you a lot of money, you need to be extremely cautious about it. Suppose you have any concerns about your capacity to do this task. Or you just have plenty on your plate right now, chances are you will be inclined to contact the Maritime Documentation Center for assistance, as they can help you with the many forms you will need.

If you are moving to a new state or even a different port, the first thing you should do is contact the Maritime Documentation Center. They are the one-stop shop for all your vessel documentation needs, whether you’re registering a yacht or recording a change of address. You can call them at (800) 535-8570 for more information.