Never Question Information About a Vessel with a USCG Abstract of Title

So, picture this. You are selling your vessel to someone and they request to know more about its registration history and financial standing. Alternatively, you are the one purchasing a used vessel and would like to be sure it doesn’t have any claims, liens, or debts attached to it. Don’t you wish there was a database where you could access that sort of information? Well, there is one. All you need to do is request a USCG abstract of title from the Coast Guard, and this document will give you all the information you might need.


USCG Abstract of Title

So, what exactly is an abstract of title? It is a record of all the documents that have been submitted to the United States Coast Guard for one specific vessel. So, if you are searching for documents relating to your registration, they will most likely be a part of the abstract of title. Why “most likely”? Well, there are often gaps in the information of abstracts of titles in cases in which the vessel was registered abroad, changed owners, or was left unregistered for some time. There are plenty of documents that may not make a part of an abstract of title because they were registered with the vessel in a different country. That’s not to say that there is no use to the abstract. It is, still, a very informative record that can help you whether you are a potential buyer or a current owner looking to verify information.


How to Get the Abstract

Now, it’s actually very easy to receive an abstract of title when the vessel is registered with the United States Coast Guard. In fact all you need is a form that you can conveniently find on our sidebar and submit through our platform. What will you have to fill out in the form? Not much, just your contact information and the identifying details of the vessel in and of itself. Do note that all abstracts of title will be processed at time of submission. Additionally, to get an USCG abstract of title to furnish proof of the completion of an application, mortgage, or instrument, please apply after the applicable application has been processed.


What You Can Use the Abstract For

So, what is the point of this USCG abstract of title? Well, they provide you with a convenient summary of a vessel’s documentation that can be used to cross-check information, verify details about previous ownerships, and gain access to older documents that are related to the vessel itself. With an abstract of title, you will not have to worry about questioning or doubting information, relying instead on official documents.

USCG Abstract of Title

Get All the Maritime Documentation You Need

Requesting an abstract of title from the US Coast Guard registry, like any documentation process, can quickly get somewhat frustrating. This is why our team here at the Maritime Documentation Center is here to help make it easier. All the forms you might need are ready for you to fill out and submit through our website for your convenience. Any questions? Give us a call at 1-866-981-8783 or email us at with your questions and we’ll do our best to help out.