Taking the Front Door to the USCG Licensing Database

We know that when you go online, you have many ways of getting into the USCG licensing database. That’s why we do everything we can to make our way of accessing it better than you can find anywhere else. At our site, you’ll find easier, faster access, with greater security. We know that of all…

Coast Guard Boat Registration : Protecting Your Vessel

Commercial vessels in the US can be easily protected by a certificate of documentation, issued by the US Coast Guard. When buyers purchase a new boat, intending to make money using it on the waters of the United States or in International waters, they may want to know more about whether documentation is the right…

What is a Hailing Port – and other Vessel Questions

“Preferred Ship’s Mortgage,” “Hailing Port,” “MARAD” – vessel documentation is full of odd phrases you probably don’t hear in other walks of life. That’s just one part of the documentation that makes it a bit opaque and confusing to people, even those who have been dealing with it for years. Of course, it doesn’t help…