Filing a USCG Satisfaction and Release Form

The day that you finalized the purchase of your boat was thrilling. You got the keys and your paperwork, and you knew you were going to get to spend as much time as you wanted traveling on the open waters with family and friends. While this was a happy day for you, it likely also…

Tips for Avoiding Pollution with Your USCG Documented Vessel

As the owner or operator of a USCG documented vessel, you know how important it is that we preserve our waterways’ pristine conditions. Even with the best intentions, however, it’s possible that you could be unknowingly polluting the water while you’re out at sea. In order to avoid any inadvertent contamination of the waterways that…

What Is The CG-1270 Code in Vessel Documentation?

In order to identify the owner of a vessel, the CG-1270 code included in its paperwork is employed. The CG-1270 designation in vessel documentation is occasionally preceded by the phrase “beneficiary,” which you may have observed. This term implies that the listed individual or organization is merely operating in the capacity of a trustee for…

Take the Time to Perform a Vessel Search by Name

With everything that is listed for sale today, the opportunities seem endless when you want to make purchases like buying a car, a house, or a large boat. There are plenty of companies that sell these things brand-new, but there are just as many listed on the secondary market where you can make a purchase…

A Better Way for Boat Online Registration Every Time

Have you ever filled out an important documentation form, whether it was online or in person, and thought to yourself: “geez, I hope that went through?” Did you ever find yourself feeling triumphant after having completed a difficult piece of paperwork and sending it in, only to be left with lingering doubts that something was…