Your Connection to the US Vessel Registry

The US Vessel Registry, among other things, keeps track of USCG vessel documentation. If this may sound new to you, it very much isn’t new. In fact, this is one of the first agreed-upon functions of the United States government. The 11th act of the very First Congress was setting up vessel documentation. The reasons that they did so are many of the same reasons why we continue to do so today: USCG documentation shows nationality when traveling, it gets vessels into certain trades and it makes for easier commerce between the states. Our site can make it easier than ever to get your documentation to the US Boat Registry.

Better Access to US Vessel Registry Documentation

If you’ve owned a vessel in the past, then you may remember how difficult it was to get the documentation you needed to the Boat Registry. You had to go to a physical location and then fill out a form. You had to fill out this form very carefully. Then, when you were done, you had to mail the form in. finally, you had to wait and hope that they didn’t find any flaws with the form. If there was even a minor mistake (sometimes including mistakes such as handwriting, and other things that vessel owners may not necessarily focus on in their day to day lives) then you had to start the process all over again. Meanwhile, all during this time, you were no closer to getting your vessel documentation.

A Better Documentation Method

That’s where we come in. We built a site that makes it easier than ever to get all of the forms you need into the proper authorities. You can go to our site, quickly find the forms that are right for you and fill them out in just a few keystrokes. Gone are the days where you might make a mistake in your form, or write something that may be a bit hard to read for someone who’s not used to your handwriting. Instead, all you have to do is type it in and send it off. You can pay by credit card, too.

Document Processors

The reason that even little mistakes are OK now is because of our document processors. These folks are the absolute best of the best. We hired document processing pros to look at your forms as they come through. If there are any little errors, they’ll fix them and send the forms along. That way, no one ever has to get a form back that they have to start from scratch. With our document processors, your documentation can get to you faster.

Secure and Safe

The reason all of this works is because we’ve made our site as secure as possible. When you transmit information across our site, our SSL-encrypted servers makes sure that it only goes to the people it should go to. For more info on how this works, give us a call at (800) 535-8570.