What USCG Documents Can I Find Online

The Maritime Documentation Center is a valuable resource for anybody who owns a boat in the United States. This guide makes it simple to obtain mandatory USCG Documents for mariners. Also, everything is available online, making it convenient to use from any location. The USCG is in charge of ensuring the security of all vessels operating in US territorial waters. It’s a large job that needs the US Coast Guard to keep tabs on boaters and maritime enterprises to ensure everyone is playing by the rules. For this reason, the Coast Guard issues a variety of legal records that may be used to track who is eligible to own and operate a boat. Check out these essential vessel documents.

Reinstatement of Documentation

It may be necessary to reinstate certain vessels to service after being idle for an extended period. The procedure begins with this form. Complete an Application for Certificate of Documentation (Form CG-1249) to apply for a new title when purchasing a boat. When purchasing a boat, you must file an Application for Certificate of Documentation (Form CG-1249) to get a new title. If you’re purchasing a boat, you’ll need to fill out and submit Form CG-1249, Application for Certificate of Documentation, to get a new title. If you’re purchasing a boat, you’ll need to apply for a new title by completing Form CG-1249, Application for Certificate of Documentation. When a vessel’s owner wants to re-document a vessel that has been de-documented, they may utilize this form. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to utilize one of two additional reinstatement forms.

Certificate of Documentation

The Certificate of Documentation is a legal document provided by the USCG to prove that a ship is properly documented with them. The certificate proves that the vessel has been registered as required by law. Multiple forms of paperwork exist, and a ship may be registered as a pleasure boat or a commercial ship. The United States Coast Guard offers a license for any watercraft, from speed boats to yachts and ships. The initial step is applying to the US Coast Guard for a Certificate of Documentation. 

For most recreational boats, the Vessel Documentation Electronic Application System (VDES) of the United States Coast Guard is the place to submit this paperwork. Although electronic submission is encouraged to avoid the administrative burden, USCG document forms are available for download on the internet and may be sent in. A USCG officer will evaluate your application and determine whether or not your vessel is eligible for the requested documents. If you are successful, you will get your certificate in the mail; otherwise, you will receive a letter detailing the reasons for the denial and the steps you should take to rectify the situation.

Certificate of Registration 

The Certificate of Registration issued by the US Coast Guard is a crucial but sometimes neglected legal document. This document is proof of ownership and VIN in future dealings with your boat. You will require your Certificate of Registration when applying for a loan, selling or transferring your vessel, or obtaining a license or endorsement from the Coast Guard. Legally, this must be posted in a prominent location on the ship. For example, boat insurance companies and port authorities often need proof of registration with other paperwork. The phrase “the papers” refers to the bill of sale and registration certificate. Small recreational boats with registration may not need a bill of sale, but it is always a good idea to have one on board, just in case.

USCG Documents: Bill of Sale (CG-1235)

The Bill of Sale is something else you must be aware of and know about. This document is needed whenever the ownership of a vessel is transferred from one person to another. The United States Coast Guard or the Department of Transportation mandates that all vessels have a Bill of Sale, and this document has to be included in the application for the vessel’s ownership. This is one of the few USCG documents for which you may submit an application and obtain it entirely online. 

After you have completed the necessary steps of providing your name, date of birth, seller’s and buyer’s full names, address, and citizenship information, you will need to mark the application as paid before submitting it along with your money. Along with your application for the title, they will give you a copy of the Bill of Sale as soon as they have it in their possession.

What USCG Documents Can I Find Online

Inspection Report

The vessel owner that is required to obtain a Certificate of Documentation should be aware of what the United States Coast Guard inspection report contains if they own the vessel. Whenever the United States Coast Guard inspects a vessel, they will compile a report detailing their findings. In the inspection report, the United States Coast Guard outlines its findings on the vessel and how well it complies with the many federal rules and regulations. This report is also known as an OIR in certain circles (On-Board USCG documents Inspection Report). After the conclusion of the inspection, you will be presented with this to sign. The owners must have a copy of this document on hand at all times since the US Coast Guard may want to see if a violation occurs or if they have any questions about the vessel.

The Maritime Documentation Center exists to assist the public in finding documentation on boats, ships, and yachts. We’re happy to help you with any questions about USCG documentation and what it can mean for your boat. Call us at (800)-535-8570 or contact us online if you have a question we can answer!